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The IAWBH is an inclusive and cultural diverse association. We welcome all those who are concerned with bullying and harassment at work to join our association and contribute to our work.

membership fee structure

Fees for joining the IAWBH were changed following feedback from the 2016 General Assembly in Auckland. We have four (4) different levels of membership so as to recognise economic differences across the globe, the situation for unwaged and/or retired members, and of course, students. 

In summary: 

  • Student membership fees are 40 GBP/year.
  • Regular membership fees for people from developing and transitioning countries are 40 GBP/year
  • Regular membership fees for unwaged members in developed countries are 40 GBP/year
  • Regular membership fees for developed countries remain at 80 GBP/year

*As defined by the UN list available here 

To be a student member, students must be enrolled in a full-time higher education course at the time of joining.

The membership structure is designed to make the association more accessible so that more people from around the world are able to join and contribute to the IAWBH community.

(Please note: when joining, do not choose the membership option currently listed as "Pre OCTOBER 2017". )

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